I'm in a flare right now. I have horrible left sided stomach pain and pain in the center of my stomach, below my ribs and about
4 inches above my belly button. According to my last colonoscopy (last September) I only have mild to moderate UC in my rectum area.
Everyday, I have violent diarrhea (at least 6-8 times), cramping, blood and mucus. I try to watch what I eat as I am severely lactose interolent.
Usually when I use the restroom, the stool is cardboard brown, but there is other liquid in the toilet that is bright yellow. When I wipe, I mostly see yellow.
I know this might be a sign of bile, but I have had several recent blood tests that reveal my liver and kidneys are functioning normally. I have also had two stomach MRI's within the last 6 months of each other, the last two weeks ago that said nothing was wrong in my abdominal region.
My current GI believes I may suffer from Crohn's, but he can't get any confirmation from the tests I have had.
I had the bloodwork done that sometimes shows you have it (Crohn's), but not only did it say I didn't have Crohn's, it also said I didn't have UC. My doctor said that sometimes happens with a small percentage of the population.
I recently had a physical with my regular doctor. The blood work came back showing my blood count was completely skewed. My white blood count was high at 12.6 whereas normal is 3.8-10.8.
Though I don't understand any of these medical terms or percentages, perhaps someone will:
Lymphocytes: 14.4 Normal: 18.0-42.0
Grunulocyte: 83.3 Normal: 50.0-70.0
Hemoglobin: 15.7 Normal: 11.7-15.5
Hematocrit: 46.9 Normal: 35.0-45.0
My doctor has now recommended a repeat colonoscopy (I had two last year, the latest in September) along with an endoscopy.
He said if that doesn't reveal anything, he wants me to swallow the camera pill that takes pictues as it travels down your digestive track.
I'm not a rich woman. Last year, alone, I had 3 MRI's (one for my stomach, one for my back, and one for my brain), two colonoscopies, and one back surgery, in addition to the countless doctor appointments. Thank goodness I have health insurance, but currently I am spending the majority of my paycheck for medical bills.
I 'know' something is wrong with me. But where do I go if all these tests prove negative?