Well, I guess an infection would be better than Remicade failure. Did he mention Humira?
Here is a link to a compounding pharmacy in Toronto that dose LDN:
www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/#How_can_I_obtain_LDNDepending on the results of your sig flex tomorrow, you could ask him a larger dose of remicade. In some people, they just metabolize the Remicade too quickly. I had the private Promethius Lab test done to measure my Remicade levels, and they were much lower than they should have been - hence the double dose I am taking. Not sure it is going to work for me still, but we'll see.
Please post to let us know how what your GI says after the scope.
I am so curious, but realize this is a public forum, since we are both in Toronto who your GI is. I don't know how to send you a private message, or if that is even possible.