ericsoaps said...
Having one of those nights where I can't sleep and up worrying . Knowing I am not alone in my battle and worries is comforting because sometimes it can be scary
I know the feeling, eric. I've been there - alone (with my wife sleeping next to me), worrying, night after night, then I learned that it's part of this disease and quit worrying. Worrying does not lead to anything good. But, I still recall those scary nights.
ericsoaps said...
Following my flare up I must say I have felt my best and have been really happy and couldn't believe I settled for so long leaving my colitis active. But now I noticed a little ball under my chest / armpit and am worried about it being a swollen lymph node :/
See, there is hope. From the bottom of the darkest bloody hole back to the sunshine and energy - to life worth living. It is possible. I could not believe it either that after years of ups and downs, I think I'm in my best condition since over 20 years. BUT, the worrying kind of never stops. Sometimes I behave like the Pavlov's dog: something comes up and I go nuts. You just have to get the 'ball' checked out.
ericsoaps said...
Which brings me back to being up late worrying and stressing out who h I am not good at, I am a 24 YR male and just had to ask my mom for a hug ahah
My worst quality is also stressing out. I've learned to deal with it throughout the years. One of my first doctors was educated enough to realize that I needed a tool to relax and she suggested yoga. I found long-distance running to get rid of the stress (and the best high I've ever felt).
I'm certain there are tons of methods that would suite you for the same remedy. In the end, the only thing that works with the UC is to come to terms with it - to reach the peace having this alien inside us. It's a tough road sometimes.
As to the hug, good on you.
Sleep tight (sleep is very important to us), quit worrying and deal with the stress. Things will improve.
All the best.