Everyone has there days to vent, so It is my turn today. I not only got UC, i also got arthritis due to UC. I pooped my pants at work today, which i had never done before. I just couldn't make it in time.
. I am always tired with no energy and my meds are not working for either issue. I can't stand the methotrexate i am on for my joint pain, for it is low dose chemo and it is making me sick. I am just so sick of it all. In two months if my inflamation does not go down, my doc is going to change my meds.
He is giving the methotrexate a chance to work, before he decides to change them. He doesn't seem to think the humira is working anymore for me. He is thinking of switching me to cimzia. He is trying to combat both diseases with the same meds, for they work for both. It is not so much the UC, it is mostly the arthritis that i can''t control. The UC flare is mild compared to the joint pain. Thanks for listening