Strange question (is there such a thing on a forum where poop is the main topic?) any of you have significant others (husbands/wives/live in lovahs) or close caregivers (mothers, etc) who have developed bowel issues since your diagnosis? I am currently in remission (I think? blood in a while knock wood, have been off suppositories for some time, on a maintenance dose of Lialda. I still get some urgency and wicked cramping from time to time, but that's to be expected and I'll take it, universe - you hear me?! Not complaining! :)
Anywho - my live-in boyfriend (we've lived together for three years) has been complaining of D, cramping, strange gurglings, etc for awhile - and I said "You've always had stomach problems" he said "no, actually just the last three years or so...." very offhand, but he mentions it frequently 2-3X a week to me - and that is how long we've lived together! I have had UC off and on for 8 years, flaring for 16 of the last 24 months or so.
Do any of your other "close" people/sig others/people you discuss your condition, treatments, dietary issues, with have sypmtoms (diagnosed or otherwise) of IBD or IBS since you've been diagnosed? I just think it's interesting.......