MotherofTeenwithUC said...
My son is 14 yrs old and has been taking 4800 mg of Asacol HD a day for months (just swtiched today from Asacol to Sulfasalazine) is having Remicade infusions and takes Prednisone. His hair is falling out. Last week I really noticed it. I dont know which drug is the culprit but what I do know is that it sucks for a teenager to have to deal with, especially when none of the drugs seem to be working to get and keep him in remission. If the drugs work to help control you UC, then I would suggest taking them and dealing with the hair loss.
I was also a teen when my hair loss began. it's tough... even tougher for girls. wigs feel fake, extensions don't always work, and solutions are expensive. i have spent hours after hours crying while i threw out clumps of my hair. i had kids on my floor ask me if i had cancer when i was in my freshman year of college because they noticed how much of my hair was in the garbage (i was the only one with that color hair so it was obvious). i had customers at work commenting on how stupid teens were these days for shaving crescents into their scalps. people are harsh. eyeliner helps to hide the small bald spots. playing around in a mirror can help him figure out how best to style his remaining hair. schools will allow him to wear a hat or head covering if you talk to them about
it. i know it sucks. if he ever wants someone to talk to, i'm here.