May 2011 I fell apart! turned 45, hubby lost job, started menopause and started feeling really really bad. Thought my appendix was rupturing, but after CT, misdiagnosis of Diverticulitis with antibiotics, and finally colonoscopy discovered UC. Lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks. Put on Prednisone briefly, then on 1 cap of Pentasa 4 x daily. Have not eaten "normally" since May! Sick of mashed potatoes and bland foods! Have not had a day that has been symptom free.
MOnday, things worsened for some reason (stress maybe?). went to my doc tues am and he doubled the pentasa (now 8 caps a day) and started me on VSL3 (1 pk a day). I feel decent as long as I don't have to go. When i go, severe tearing pain in abdomine, lots of blood and vomiting. Nightmare!
Anybody think I could be reacting to the Pentasa or is it the UC?
If I have been diagnosed with a Mild case then I really, truly and totally feel for those who are severe!