I've been doing SCD since July. Normally I take certain supplements in order to help manage my uc with a lot of success. Some of these are illegal on SCD so I removed them. I am so tempted to try then again though because I know they are helpful in soothing inflammation. I have taken slippery elm powder, aloe juice and I used to dring Ultra Infamix which is a rice based protein powder with l-glutamine in it. I know I can buy this separately. Anyone on SCD and doing illegal supplements. I'm torn. I would only do it until I saw no blood. I have formed stool with small amts of bright red blood on them. Sometimes pass mostly white mucous in between. Only every few days. I've been on 40 mg or Prednisone for 3 wks or so and I'm tapering now. No maintmenance meds. First time I've not been able to hit remission with Prednisone. Wanting to avoid 6mp if at all possible.
Also so many people say no dairy on SCD. I'm confused because the yogurt is such a crucial part of the diet. I'm already losing tons of weight and I didn't need to. Not from uc but from restrictive diet.
Really struggling and desperate for remission.