I am recently diagnosed with UC (this past July) although I've been dealing with the problem for probably a year and a half (I know, I know, my wife has already told me I waited too long to get looked at....)
Anyway, I keep reading with much jealousy about people experience "remission" of their UC... and given that I've not gone a day in the past year-and-a-half without diarrhea, many trips to the bathroom, pain, urgency, accidents (not daily but not uncommon), blood (also not daily but not uncommon)... I am left to wonder ---
What is remission? Does it mean only having one normal bowel movement a day? Does it mean having a normal, well formed stool? Does it mean no pain, no urgency? Does it mean you can do normal things without always having to know where the closest bathroom is? Does it mean you can eat more normally?
To me, "remission" is sort of like the Great Pumpkin --- something mythic and I hope for but never see....
Peace, Mike