I think it might be useful to ALSO have 5-asa (the stuff in Asacol) as a suppository or enema. This is a more direct attack on the left side, and may keep it from spreading to the whole colon. It will also quickly decrease the urgency due to far-left irritation.
Several IBD centers and the Crohn's & colitis foundation, have informative web sites. This one (http://patients.dartmouth-hitchcock.org/gi/inflammatory_bowel_disease_center.html ) has a pretty good rundown of the different kinds of medications used. There is also a radio interview with the head doc that has about
30 minutes of fluff and 15 minutes of information, but it might be worth a listen - especially to help sort out IBD from IBS.
Meanwhile eat a low-residue diet. You can put fiber back in as you improve, give your colon a rest for now. Also eat anti-inflammatory foods and herbs (e.g., spinach, turmeric). You can try probiotic supplements, but these may work best after the colon quiets down a bit. IF you are bleeding, be sure to get checked for anemia. If you are not able to keep food down, get checked for minerals/electrolytes and vitamins (e.g., calcium, potassium, vit-D). Be careful if iron supplements are prescribed, because these are very irritating to the GI tract. You need the iron, but your colon sure doesn't.
Some People respond to 5-asa drugs in just weeks and go into remission. Some do not. (I did not.) I am slowly responding to oral/rectal 5-asa over a two year period, but I have had to go on prednisone, and may have to introduce other drugs like an immunosuppressant (e.g., 6mp) to get off the prednisone. You could be fortunate, or you could have a long ride.
Some folks put a lot of stock into balancing the gut flora, and eliminating food irritants, with special diets like the specific carbohydrate diet (SCD), but others report little benefit. There are some other alternative therapies you can investigate if you do not respond to 5-asa, or get worse.
Keep reading, keep asking questions.
Post Edited (DBwithUC) : 12/16/2011 9:48:08 AM (GMT-7)