quincy said...
aguywithuc...I mean I don't believe food causes flares...period. If one's colon lining is fragile enough to have bleeding, then the inflammation is continual since there are varying degrees of inflammation happening/healing in incriments. So, I could say it's flaring already.
It's possible that an extreme increase in bms could cause bleeding, but I'd think it would be because the inflammation has increased regarding a flare.
I don't believe that a flare happens for a day and is good the next. Subjective, once again because many don't consider some symptoms a flare...it's just different from the most obvious.
Lets talk about
the whole subject since your bring up causes. UC has its unknown causes and before UC happened it made no difference what I ate period. Post-UC I am exactly like research demonstrates me to be. My floral signature is different than a Crohn's sufferer and different than someone that has neither crohns nor UC.
Now in the Post-UC portion of life my flora is not as strong as the next person. It will always be this way. I have had no bleeding in 1.5 years and I am very sensitive to initial signs that things are slipping from normal which for me is a bm once per day or every other occasionally. If it happens twice in one day I drop everything outside my trusted list of anti-inflammatory foods. I get back on track quickly. I would have to be dumb as a rock to do nothing until there was actually bleeding seen. "If one's colon lining is fragile enough to have bleeding". No idea what that statement means, cannot make sense of it. Again post UC my flora/lining etc is always going to be more fragile than it was Pre-UC.
The rest of your post also makes no sense to me. Numbers are not subjective. BM=1 or BM=0 is read but not interpreted. It is read as GOOD period. BM=2 is a call to action - it is read but not interpreted. Neither of these are a flare, a flare is a slipperly slope and if your wake up call is a full-on bloody flare then your too late to have a substantial chance of averting it. That would be very much like trying to abort takeoff when you are already wheels-up.
That being said I have had sudden bleeding and ate only highly anti-inflammatory salmon for 5 days and the bleeding stopped, the fever stopped and I was off the slipperly slope edging closer to safety every day after that. I look back on my eating behavior prior to that for guidance going forward.
I guess the other approach is to sit in the doctors office lobby and read the marketing material on the medications available. If they were nearly as reliable as the food method I would use them, but for me and my sub-group they are not reliable. I just worked 8 hours on my daughters birthday, 14 hours on my birthday, 14 on Christmas and 14 on New Years all in the last week...80 hours per week for 9 months. I never thought I would make it passed 90 days. I do not have time to be sick. I am watching them build my dream home down the street from all this overtime. Screw being sick. Screw trusting anyone else to manage this disease for me.