jabby826 said...
Guategirl- stick with it, Remicaide has changed my life! 2011 was the best and worse year of my life. After 5 years in remission (and taking NO meds) I had the worst flare since being diagnosed in 2000. I went downhill fast, the flare started in August and by October I was in the ER twice and was admitted for a week long stay. Bouncing backwith Asacol (up to 6 pills daily) and 40mg daily of prednisone later I was feeling better (and fat, thanks to steroids). Everytime I started to wean off the steroids I would get sicker and sicker.
Around January I started 75mg of azasan daily hoping that would allow me to get off of the steroids- no such luck. One night in March I got home from work and could not stop vomiting. I had enough and found myself back in the ER again. Fed up and tired from the fight I refused to allow any more steroids. It was then I had my 1st remicaide infusion. By my 3rd infusion I felt like a different person. Looking back I couldnt believe how sick I was and how I ever survied without remicaide. My quality of life has returned and in July I was able to walk down the aisle and say I do to my husband without any worries or concern.
Keep your head up, and hope you start to feel better soon!
Wow, my first infusion I was getting better, by the second I started flaring, I am due for the third in two days, I'm hoping for a miracle.