Posted 1/15/2012 2:13 PM (GMT 0)
Hi , She is teaching, lucky in the job department, and there is no bathroom in the class and no coverage should she need one. Last year she had a bathroom and an aide in the room. So when she began flaring october-february she was a trooper and only missed a couple of days for her scope.
I think you're right Old Hat, it's not a good time to rock the boat, summer will be here and it may be a better time to explore the 6mp and scope.
Quincy she has had 4 scopes. The Dr that 1st diagnosed her and then the Dr she picked for treatment wanted do do 1 and then each time she has flared,usually each winter . Also a couple of impromptu sigs in the office. She has from the rectum up through the secum on last scope 2/11.
The dr has always prescribed rectal meds, my daughter uses them when in a flare , and struggles to keep them going. I have seen them work but last time it wouldn't reach and she probably wasn't diligent. I strongly believe in their worth.
While I'm here I want to ad that I was reading the thread about the brand name Colazal and can't get over it. I support and participate in my
local chapter of ccfa and can't help but think of all the events I've been to and the drug reps on the side lines in their booths giving away pens and brochures. Also can't stand the fact that there is aspartame in the Apriso, I noticed it when the dr 1st put her on it and the only reason the dr seemed to have was that it helped the med taste better for those with swallowing issues. I can't stand to watch artificial sweetener go into her like that!
Thanks for your help