Sheri, yes, I hope you'll keep LDN in your back pocket, if you ever need it (hopefully you won't).
Max89 - the bottom line is you have to do what's right for you, and if you feel LDN is right, then too bad for your doctor (sorry to be so blunt).
deltaforce - sorry about the font size, when I have alot of info to post, I try to use 8 point font so it won't take so much space, didn't realize it would be a problem, next time will post in larger font. Now, as to my signature, I have no idea how to make that smaller font?
@LoLil - Welcome to the forum!
When you say the LDN put you in remission, how much did it reduce your BMs? I'm still trying to figure out how to know what remission is. Do you continue with your other prescribed medicines? And will you still follow diets or start introducing stuff you avoided before?
Before going on SCD diet and doing my supplements, etc... besides the major bleeding, I used to have probably 10-15 BMs a day, lots of urgency, cramping, D, pain - heck, some days I couldn't even leave the house. After I went on SCD and slippery elm powder, etc... my BMs went down to probably around 4-5 a day BUT still bleeding, lots of it. After I started the LDN, as I mentioned the bleeding stopped entirely, and no more cramping, urgency, no pain, no D, and I now probably go about 1-2 times daily. I'm still on a strict diet (modified Paleo - no dairy, no wheat, no gluten, no HFCS, lots of grass-fed animal products, salads and veggies, some fruits and nuts), still on all my supplements, probiotics, and LDN, but am NOT on any prescribed meds ( although 5asa did not agree with me, I used to tolerate the canasa suppositories, although it didn't do much). As far as diet, I've found out it's key to keeping the inflammation down. Do I cheat? Yes, occasionally, if I do I make sure to take my slippery elm powder + probiotics, both before and after the "cheat". But long term, I KNOW I have to stay on this diet.