Hi everyone,
This is my story, ill try to keep it short. Diagnosed in march of 2011 with left sided colitis. After several months of anti inflammatories not working, along with anti biotics, steroids and just plain will to conquer, I ended up being hospitalized. At the time of hospitalization i was asked to keep a journal of my bm's, by day 7 in the hospital i had reached 144 times! The solumedrol did not work, then i was placed on remicade. After a flex sigmoid the GI said that it was not good, and that i have colitis as bad as you can have colitis, thus changing my initial diagnoses of left sided colitis to full blown pancolitis! Remicade allowed me to leave the hospital, but i wasnt able to return to work until after the 3rd loading dose. The 4th infusion seemed to work a little better but still no remission. So, here i am about 1 week away from infusion 5 and ive decided to have surgery, after my symptoms worstened after 3 weeks post infusion 4. My GI feels that my immune system has been suppressed to the point that any infection at all can be a serious threat and does not want to give me any more prednisone. I have been unable to achieve remission in this past year, and have decided to do the surgery to get my life back to "my" normal.
That was just a quick overview of what i went through! In no means is it meant to discourage people from trying different paths to remission. I havent had colitis long, but one thing i truly learned was that every individual case is unique. My body was just stubborn and now its time to conquer it for good! I wish every person with IBD a healthy life, and its good to know your not alone and life can be normal for us.
If anyone has any thoughts on surgery please share