Hello to everone,
I want to first of all thank all of you who take the time to post here. I have spent several hours of time reading over many of your stories and thought it would only be fair iof I post and help to contribute to battling this horrible and unfortunate thing called Crohns/UC. My story beings like this.
Nov 2011 I started to feel dizzy and within about 2 hours I was in bed and had severe lower back pain. I attributed it to sciatica a my wife suggested staying in bed with the heating pad and taking some advil. I did this for 3 weeks. During that time there was one point when I needed her help just to go walk to the bathroom. Slowly I started to be able to walk again and nausea went away and with some exercise and stretching I was able to function. All this time I had no sysmtoms of stomach issues like D or cramping or really nothing that would make me think it was my sciatica. Thanksgiving rolled around and I was at my cousins house and had a few beers and had too much to eat of course and remember coming home and not feeling well and went straight to bed. I slept it off and the next day seemed fine. One week after this I began to feel nautious and have dizzy spells. I thought I had the flu or something but then it came and sorta went that day. Within 3 days of this starting my nausea got worste and I noticed that I wiped blood after going #2. I was scared to death as I knew now I had a bad infection breweing. I told my wife about the blood and how I felt and we both thought it was best I go to the emergency room. Off to the emergency room we went. After 7 hours (cat scan blood tests etc etc)they diagnosed my with diverticuilitis and prescribed me flagyl and one other antibiotic which I cant place the name of now (they both made me sicker). The doctor at the hospital told me to take them all for the full 10 days and to follow up with my gastro that very next Monday. This was a Saturday. I made an appointment with my GI and withtin two weeks I spoke to him. Told him I was feeling fine following the of antibiotics which I was. He checked me over and said he is questioning the Diverticulitis diagnosis becuase I would have alot of pain when he pressed in my stomache. I had to agree with him also. 1 week after the antibiotics I started to feel nausea again and was waking up at night when my bowels started to move which was a nightmare. I felt so sick when this happened. Calle the doctor the next day and He prescribed my more flagyl and one other I cant think of the name for it which I took for 5 more days. He scheduled me for a colonoscopy to check things out which was done on Feb 2 2012.
After the colonoscopy he told me I had a 4cm section of Mild colitis in my lower left side colon and prescribed me Asacol 800 hd. I took them for on month 2 pills 2 times a day. They seemed to work. Presently I have no more nausea and feel over all pretty good but have lost weight form the antibiotics making my appetite poor. I am currently taking Natren probiotics and have just received some Psyllium seed powder which I started today. I really hope this doesnt get worst and it is as bad as it will get but in the back of my head I am leary of it. I will do whataver it takes to keep it at bay. My GI told me he will want to do a colonoscopy in 1 year from now to see howthings look. I guess this is standard procedure? For now I will keep learning form you all and keep hope alive though all of you generous people.
Thanks for all your ears.
Male 46 DX'd Lower left UC 4cm section Feb 2 2012
1st month after DX Asacol 800 HD 2 pills 2 times a day.
Currently taking Asacol 800 HD 1 pill 2 times a day.
Natren brand probiotics
Psyllium seed powder ( just started today)
No blood in stools now and have normal bowel movement at most 2 times a day. Most of the time once in the am. Asacol seems to work but for how long.
I releive beleive the issue is a inbalance of good bacteria for whatever reason in our guts allowing this to happen.
I also beleive this Fecal transplant thing has has alot of validity to it.