DBwithUC said...
How long were you at 40mg? That is a factor in these decisions.
I have had bleeding off and on, sometimes pronounced or sometimes the whole BM was mucus and blood. I used Pred to get the worst of it under control, and have tapered down to and maintained on 15mg for over 14 months now. There is still some blood (low level) a few times a week, and a few weeks where it is more. (Ironically, as my stool improves and forms, it seems to cause friable tissue to bleed a bit more.)
I have now gone down to 12.5mg for 3 weeks, and next week hope to start towards 10mg. I feel like if I waited for NO blood, that I would still be on 30mg of Pred. But it has been a long time for me, and I really want to get off the Pred. IF you have only been on it for weeks or a month or two, then you might wait for no blood.
I started on 40mg last Monday.