Only other theory could be, that I became gluten intolerant later in the life, if thats possible. Even today, I eat wheat twice a day so if your theory fits, it COULD be gluten (as my GI suspects now that I am lactose intolerant, so gave up all milk products). I will have to look into it but I just wonder what do you eat if you decide to skip gluten?
You could have become gluten intolerant when you became lactose intolerant (as your GI suspects), no?
I would suggest you stay away from all gluten, wheat, grains of all kinds - for a good month and then have your blood re-tested, to see if it's made a difference with your triglycerides and elevated cholesterol values - I bet it will make a huge difference.
Yes, it's tough. We are so culturally conditioned to eat bread, pasta, etc.... and it's bad for us ;(
What do you replace gluten with? Veggies if you can tolerate them, potatoes. Nuts if you can tolerate them. It's a lifestyle choice which is sometime necessary for various healthy outcomes.
In your case, that would normalizing your triglycerides and cholesterol levels.