Hi lookforcure, I was taking the clay three times a day! Today is the first day I just took in the morning before I left for work. Yes I've had a flare for 7 years! I noticed starting this the past two days nausea, maybe I'm detoxing? I thought the detox would be the colon eliminating but maybe it will detox yeast too?
I'm back on colozal today, just took one pill and will work it up from there.
Yes I have some other issues, low dhea, cortisol, iron and blood pressure :) I have lyme's too, but I'm waiting for my results to say if the lymes is gone or if its still active.
I think terramin clay is a excellent product! I like getting all my minerals. I know it's helping. Like today I had some stool with mucus attached to it, that tells me there parts of colon that is not effected by the uc.
I will stick with it that's for sure! Maybe the combo might be my ticket! We'll see.
The spinach/sunflower seeds probably worked because of the minerals in the two products, iron, magneisum. There might be something to UCers being deficient in minerals.