I am using proctofoam HC right now and find it so easy, much better than enemas and canasa( that stuff used to just leak out of me). Ive had uc for 20 years , wish i would have found foam earlier!
Keep in mind a few things: where is your inflammation? canasa will just treat the rectum, rowasa will treat father up and foam should cover up to the sigmoid (ior so my gi says, i guess i have to believe her).
also, proctofoam is a hydrocortisone, and rowasa and canasa are mesalamines.
i have some very stubborn inflammation going on, i too have felt like i am at the tail end of a flare but its been going on for a couple years. was using rowasa. gi switched me to proctofoam, meh improvement, i started using hydrocort enemas at night and proctofoam during the day (after ive been going to the bathroom all morning, my usual pattern, then i am fine for the day). i feel like the past 2 days i ve had slight improvement, less bms, less urgency, still blood sometime more than before but today was a good day so maybe i'm trending upwards? But i think treating this stubborn patch of inflammation with rectal meds 2x a day might be helping.
maybe you could do either the rowasa or canasa at night and then the proctofoam during the day, after your morning bms. seriously this stuff is a cinch. I go into the bathroom at work, pop some foam in and im done, it doesnt leak out i dont have to lay down. My theory is that after 3-5 bms in a row, the affected area is all inflamed and needs some meds to coat it and calm down the inflammation.
good luck!