My dose of LDN (pill form) @ 3mg ended so I went to see the alternative doctor to get a higher prescript
ion for 4.5mg. I got it and I hope it will do something. I cannot get the transdermal LDN so no point of you mentioning it because the doctor doesn't want to write a prescript
ion for it and he says the pill form works better. So that's that.
Anyways, I had some weird ass dream last night. I still remember it now, like it was a movie. I was eating supper or lounging with my parents in the dining room. It was twilight time. All a sudden, I feel big huge earthquake going on with some crazy alien sound ringing.....I scramble out in the backyard....and the whole world is like shaking and crap with huge Tinnitus like sound. Very alien like sound. It feels like the end of the world.
Then I wake up immediately and go W.T.F. was that. Then I go..woooooo.....and go back to sleep.
Later on, I think I woke up to crap some blood....for sh.its and giggles. Then I went back to bed.
Thank God, I'm a heavy sleeper. I can go to sleep in record times.
If I get another weird movie dream, I'll share it again even if you don't care...