I had been reading aguywithuc's posts about
these bars that helped him but knew the wheat would just tear me up. I ended up looking online for recipes that had similar ingredients and I found a bar that is AMAZING. My mom made me a batch yesterday and oddly, my bm's today were only 5 (will probably go again before bed). My usual bm's are like 12 so I thought that I'd eat these bars every day to see if they help reduce my bm's. So here is the recipe from the rawtarian blog. It tastes like a moist oatmeal
cookie with orange.
1/3 cup psyllium husk (ground)
2 tablespoons flax meal (ground)
1 cup dates (soft)
1/2 cup pecans
2/3 cup raisins
1 medium orange (peeled)
1 large apple (peeled, cored, roughly chopped)
1 teaspoon orange zest (outer orange peel)
1 teaspoon cinnamon (or 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon + 1/4 teaspoon cloves)
1/8 teaspoon salt (or less)
1. Add all ingredients to food processor EXCEPT RAISINS, PSYLLIUM HUSK AND FLAXSEED MEAL. Process very well.
2. Add raisins. Pulse again until raisins are well distributed but raisins still looked like raisins :)
3. Transfer mixture to a bowl. Add psyllium husk and flaxseed meal. Stir well.
4. Form into two small loaves.
5. Dehydrate for 1 hour on high - then reduce to 110 degrees for another few hours (perhaps 5). These actually dehydrate pretty fast! You can nibble them as they firm up. Pull out when you want to eat them - I like them still a bit moist inside.