Wolfehound -
If you're trying to work out intensely while battling this disease and on some of these drugs, you should really check out my blog... that's what it's all about
. Start form the beginning, though, because my recent posts are more about
my decision to do surgery.
ronnielee-fightingforit.blogspot.com/2012/03/backstory.htmlI will try to answer some of your questions here, though:
1. Since your nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine and not the large, the only way UC cuts down on nutrients is if the diarrhea is causing you to push food through your whole GI tract too quickly, or if your diet is severely restricted. I take all sorts of supplements including multivitamin, protein shake (soy since I can't process whey or casein), Omega 3/6/9, L-glutmaine (awesome for both muscle growth AND colon repair), BCAA's & creatine when I'm working out, probiotics, calcium, vitamin C, glucosamine, biotin when battling hair-loss, vitamin D, 5-HTP, melatonin...
2. Read the post in my blog called "Dread of Pred" (under March). Weight gain will happen if you let it, but it is possible - though difficult - to avoid. I was able to actually lose weight on one of my prednisone rounds, which I describe in my blog.
3. Some people have found exercise to help flares while others seem to have trouble with it. I am a proponent of working out as long as you can do it without hurting yourself. Prednisone does affect heartrate and your blood's ablility to deliver oxygen, so you may have to bump the intensity back just a notch. Also, it will weaken muscles, bones, and joints, so just be careful not to push yourself too hard because risk of injury can increase. Pred also slows healing time, which as you know is involved in the muscle-building process. Just keep all this in mind and make sure to listen to your body instead of expecting to follow the same pace as before, and you should be fine.
4. As you know, everyone is different, but I haven't found any of my fitness/bodybuilding supps to aggrivate my condition at all (protein, BCAA's, creatine, CLA, L-glutamine). I am, however, sensitive to dairy when I'm in a flare-up, so I have to steer clear of the whey. My morning shake is half a banana, a scoop of vanilla soy protein, a teaspoon of L-glutamine, a teaspoon of Metamucil, a teaspoon of PB2, half a cup of soymilk and half a cup of water. I find it yummy, filling, and soothing on the gut.
5. WHAT I EAT A LOT OF: Cooked veggies (raw is tough to digest, but cooked they should be fine), fruit (no skins), eggs, soy/tofu, peanut butter (whole nuts are hard to digest, but ground or butters seem to be fine), rice, potatoes, corn tortillas or chips, odwalla superfood, anti-inflammatory foods like olive oil, spinach, sweet potato, coconut oil, coconut water.
OFF-LIMITS FOODS FOR ME: wheat, meat, dairy, beans, whole nuts, seeds, raw veggies, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, anything too processed.