I'm not sure if this is even UC-related, but I've been having pains in the left side of my ribs and right under my left breast when I try to breathe deeply or laugh. It started at noon 2 days ago. When I went out to lunch and put some food in my mouth, there was pain, although I was still able to finish my food. Yesterday, I didn't have a problem with it when I ate. There was no pain. There was only discomfort when I took a deep breath and/or laughed. So, I was assuming it was some muscle strain or something like that, so I put some menthol sticky sheets (pads) on it before going to bed. And today, the same discomfort is still there. I was fine when I ate my breakfast. I had soft foods - fish, miso soup, piece of toast. For dessert, I had cut up some bananas and kiwi. It was when I took a bite of the kiwi that it hurt a little. Has anybody experienced this before?