Alright, so I called my gi today and they called in an RX for Rowasa. Currently, I'm on generic colazal (x12 during a flare) and canasa, and I'm still having a little bleeding and mucus, and cramps that are really low and feel rectal--I think it's an urgent issue, then I get to the bathroom, and it's very unsatisfying if you know what I mean. Like I'm not done, after all that cramping and pain. Then it happens again and again until I guess I have a bm. It's like it's happening in shifts. Then, I can be fine for the rest of the day. No pain, nothing. What the heck. I have an appt. next week but in the mean time, it's Rowasa time.
Any advice to get the most out of this? How do I best hold it in as long as possible? Will it be coming out still the next day? I have no problem doing this after using the canasa for so long, but I really want it to be successful.