My body is on a rebellion. I woke up two mornings ago with a blister on my eyeball. Who the heck gets blisters on their eyeballs!!! I can't believe this.
I've also been having trouble with my leg. It feels like I did about
a million stairs. Just the one. (I guess I will be thankful it's not both) Anyways, turns out my IT band is inflamed! Great day.
Sadly my D is increasing, as is the urgency. I've started with night time ones too but then weirdly I had three poops with form yesterday and the odd one with no blood. (I'm hoping that my recent start of VSL#3 is helping)
We are in the midst of a big storm here in Northern Ontario, and I pooped my pants mid way through snowblowing the driveway. I couldn't run with my sore IT band. What's the saying...when it rains, it pours?
I'm also fighting a cold and some pretty nasty headaches. I just want to sleep all the time. I'm pushing along because I've got my kids coming home! My youngest daughter arrived yesterday.
Is this the nightmare(s) that comes with using prednisone? (rather the discontinuation of) I'm down to one this week.
Thanks for listening. I'm off to bed.