Posted 1/9/2013 2:02 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Lemon, a lot of people post having a headache. I noticed about two weeks in i was starting to feel flu-ish, cold and I was miserable. But that went away about two days before my next set of shots. I was going to quit, but I didn't, so hang in there. Hopefully your on a multi and I do extra zinc. Also, I did yeast pills, diflucan it seemed to disrupts my flora in my woman part. It's common per Humira people. If you ever have any questions you can call the manufacter at 800-448-6472 they want to know any adverse effects.
I'm doing better, no real formed poop or anything but I'm happier because I''m not in as much pain. I think too, you'll feel better if a few weeks. Hang in there. Limit your sugar!! Yeast love sugar.