got to go home today!
my hemoglobin levels were 9.9 this morning which is the highest they've been since i was diagnosed with UC. i'm thrilled even though it's still pretty low. i hope they stay up but i'm worried since i'm still bleeding a lot.
my doctor took me off flagyl and is keeping me on vanco. my insurance is covering it thankfully since it can be expensive.
my sacro b probiotics haven't come yet but i'm waiting for them!! i need to make some yogurt when i get the energy. i don't really have any food in the house since i haven't eaten here since last tuesday (almost a week). i'm still pretty weak just from not sleeping and obviously pooping/bleeding so much so i'll need to make some big meals to last me a few days.
it feels good to be out of here. my hands and arms have marks all over them and my right elbow is super swollen. there's a big ball of scar tissue on the inside of my elbow from it being the repeated source of bloodwork/ivs. it's very hard to bend and i wonder if scar tissue goes away on its own or just stays there. it's not comfortable.
i'm retaining a bit of water from all the iv fluids which is good since that means i'm not having as much diarrhea. it's most justly loose stool now so i'm VERY used to that.