Okay this sounds silly, but has anybody figured out how to tell?
I've had a few accidents in my time by not running fast enough, but always known what was going on. But the last few weeks I've genuinely not known, last week I was casually browsing in the fabric department of a shop and next minute, "hmmm, that feels a little wrong..AH crap" luckily they had a cafe so a public toilet, i sacrificed the pants but it was just a big pile of blood. The other odd part was just how calm I was about it.
In recent nights I've been getting up about 5 times in the night, just to go to the toilet where it's only mucus and blood, but once again, sometimes it's wind, sometimes its not. had the odd accident where I thought "i went a minute ago and it was just wind i'm not running...oh bollocks it wasn't wind this time"
I was walking to the book shop on sunday, had to swiftly march to the nearest public toilets, whcih are very close to topshop and left after spending more than I could afford on clothes, so this is starting to get on my nerves a bit now.
So yeh, am I missing a trick? I know when I'm normal I'm perfectly normal, but when flaring, can anybody tell. hmmmm