notsosicklygirl said...
i am definitely not saying this is healthy or a good idea but there is a definite correlation between how much you eat and how much you poop, this is common knowledge. It's not going to make you better but it has made it possible for me to get to a desk job many times over the years. obviously it's no way to live long-term and if that's what you're doing, you need to try different medication.
Yeah, this is me exactly. When I have an important morning meeting or, god forbid, I have to travel, I usually fast or stick to Ensure for 24-48 hours before. I almost never eat breakfast or lunch. I've never achieved remission and there's no way I'd be able to hold down a job if ate during the day. Plus it would make taking public transportation even worse than it already is.
Having a planned, nutritionist-okayed liquid diet to fall back on when I'm at my worst has saved my job and probably a couple of ER visits.