Ole363 said...
Pathogen Killer
I'm "sort of" in remission. Mildly active disease. I've been hit by atleast 5 pathogens over 12+ years with U.C. Blasto 1999, a "mystery" c-diff like infection 2002-2005ish, Lyme 2008, a traveller's bug (lasted months) 2010, and Aeromonas 2012.
The lyme was treated right after the tick byte with 2 weeks Doxycycline.
The only thing that has gotten me to complete remission is Vancomycin for some reason. It was very strange. After a colonoscopy in 2004 I had a worsening of symptoms and got put on Vanco. No one explained exactly why. Perhaps some c-diff had been going around the hospital. But it worked like a charm. Symptoms returned after stopping. I went through 3 or 4 cycles of Vanco. Each time it worked. But eventually they wanted me stop out of fear of developing a vanco resistant infection.
Do you know of anything vanco would target?? C-diff was never detected just suspected based on the response to Vanco. Is being vanco-responsive a clue to something?? Would Blasto respond to Vanco?? That would be a real kicker, if it's actually been the blasto this whole (decade+) time.
Vanco is what my doc has mentioned to me we will be doing IVs of. Vanco vanquishes. It hits gram positive bacteria but has limited action on other things. I think there is a gap with Fungi and some protozoa (so candida can take over.. or if you are like me and think you have oomycota secondary zoospores of some type of psuedofungus you cant identify in your blood). Since Blasto is a protozoa, I honestly dont know..
If they put you on vanco they thought you had something infectious. So did you do 6 week cycles IV? or what? I dont know how they use vanco yet because nobody uses it as they are "saving" it. Im sorry, but I think Lyme needs more then 2 weeks on doxy, especially on an immune system dealing with UC so just makes sure you keep it on your radar.
If I were you, Id really really try to find a Lyme Literate MD.