well today is my full week (7days) on this therapy, I do my urine test in a hour and then ship it out.
Have I noticed any improvement? Not really, I thought maybe energy but nothing new on the bm's. I have bloody mucus one time and I can turn around and go right back in the bathroom and it's long skinny stool that like dust in the wind when I flush.
I called the company about the test kit they put in a little drop of stabelizer in the container for the urine, good thing I called because I was going to dump it out. If they get it tomorrow my results will be back next week Weds.
You all aren't posting much these days on this, must not be big improvements anywhere?
I'll let you know how my next week goes.
I read on his website that if you don't see improvement with your protocol/dosage for that week, then you won't continue to improve from there, he needs to adjust your dosing thence the urine test to change up the dosing. So I will need a change up since no improvement thus far.