Glad to see your pancolitis has healed.
Can you get prescription VSL #3DS?
As a vegetarian, have you had your b12 levels checked?
Most vegetarians are deficient in b12.
From the research I've done, I believe it's best to avoid: gluten, dairy, and legumes (beans). That's why the PALEO diet is a good one, as it is anti-inflammatory. And I am not a vegetarian. I don't believe you can be a vegetarian on Paleo, as there wouldn't be much for you to eat.
Unfortunaly your listing of foods is all contrary to my research.
So, I hope a vegetarian will chime in to help you with those concerns.
As far as whey protein shake, I take one daily, made with almond milk.
I use Dr. Mercola's Pro-Optimal Whey Protein, I like it because it comes from grass fed cows (Paleo), no antibiotics or hormones, and already contains digestive enzymes within it. I find it very easy on the gut.
What about fermented foods, like sauerkraut?