So, I was taking Asacol; six pills a day and all at once.
Since it was discontinued my doctor put me on Pentasa (sorry, I originally thought it was Apriso!) The last couple of weeks, I haven't been feeling so great, but since I still had Asacol I continued to take it. On Friday, I knew I was in a flare so I decided to try the Pentasa starting that night.
I take two 500 mg pills three times a day. I have to thank Warner Chilcott for taking Asacol off the market....because I didn't realize how crappy I've been feeling until today.
I feel amazing -- no more pain or urgency. I suppose I just put up with feeling that bad and never realizing just how bad I felt...until I felt good again, lol. Does that make sense?
Anyway, for those who have not decided on a med to replace Asacol, you might consider Pentasa. Plus, my insurance company covered it...not cheap, but I'm thinking it's worth it!