protocolteck said...
1.) Beans (primarily Navy Beans) have the most RS however go right through me so they are a no go.
Glad RS is working for you. I made a terrible mistake and got off RS and 10 days later all my cheat foods had me in a flare. GP told me to eat dark meat to get over my anemia and skip the iron pills. Solid waste made me think all I needed was dark chicken meat.
Big mistake.
However I halted the flare with wheatgrass. Beans could not help because they need to 'ferment' in the colon into SFCA butyrate. So I am slowing the transit time, managing my cortisol levels and feeling great while I resume the RS diet that worked so well.
Bananas and navy beans work for me, hard to say about
cold pasta but cold potatos were not working previously nor the hi-maize. May try the HI-Maize again in another month.
Thrilled I did not need prednisone to stop all the bleeding nor my GI since I swore myself off them both, further may not need iron infusions since Wheat Grass has a track record of building blood too.
I did receive sodium butyrate but not quite taking 2 pills 3 times daily yet and I think pregnenolone is the real deal. Weightlifting is feeling like it did when I was young, fat from prednisone cycle is just about
gone and starting to bulk up. Pregnenolone was prescribed before cortisone and prednisone were 'invented' patented and profited from.