JohnPhx said...
I know I know...most of you will say "go home." I probably will but what is it about work we just feel obligated to go and be there.
I'm in a bad flare lately...and just don't get it. I even went to the gym this morning after emptying out...and swam my heart out.
I feel crampy, gaseous today but not much could be in there. Wow...I just really, really hate this UC. So sad today, and so frustrated, and even angry.
I'm just so close to just leaving, and sending an email to my boss that I wasn't feeling well......
Burned up all my sick time with the head-on car crash and the angiogram that came after the week in the hospital plus a week of recovery time post accident.
Been down from 60mg pred to 5mg and gut is fine but energy level suuuuuuucks. So went back on 10 mg yesterday and was doing fine today but an all day emergency happened so I popped another 5mg taking me to 10mg again.
Apparently the adrenals are just not back yet so will take it easy for a soft landing. Stool quality is fine, gut is fine but could sleep 14 hours a day until the adrenals come back to life a bit more.