Meh, I use the term interchangeably which isn't technically correct but it's basically the same thing and they use some of the same tests. It's not an abnormally high number always, it's a number out of proportion, which yours def are. SBBO is halmarked by much of what you describe.. The gas, the transit issues (as evidenced by poop color), the not digesting protein and starch.. Klebsiella is a small bowel inhabitant, living primarily at the edge of the small and large bowel. if you've had the test and that isn't it, perhaps this explanation of all the related dysbiosis possibilities will help you, fav place to live is the distal colon and its been implicated in Uc. I wonder if you might have pushed it upwards with the enemas. It is a pretty yucky lil pathogen and shouldn't be a primary colonizer of your intestines. Those two buddies together with the high ecoli (yes, I know they say it isn't the pathogenic kind) = bacterial overgrowth to me because they simply should not be there in large numbers.