I am less interested in what antibiotics show promise for Chrons as I am in those that show promise for UC. The UC evidence is much weaker, and has less connection to MAP. Still, I wonder if I should try a two week trial of some of the combinations reported.
Abdolghaffari, A. H. A Comprehensive Review of Antibiotics in Clinical Trials for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, OCT 1 2012. said...
1) Antibiotics when used with 5-ASAs or corticosteroids or probiotics or immnnosuppressive showed better effects than monotherapy.
2) In UC, concrrent use of amoxicillin, tetracycline and metronidazole keeps patients in remission much better than monotherapy.
3) the debate on the use of antibiotics in IBD still remains and need fwther well-designed studies to help identify which patients need antibiotic or antibiotic combination and if yes, what is the preferred compound with what dosage and duration of treatment.
I reviewed the studies in the UC section,in the more recent studies with triple antibiotic, about
1/2 of people see improvement. Only about
35% see remission. Results are better 12months later than 6 months later, so the benefit of the 5-asa and probiotics cannot be firmly discounted.
But, 50% is a little better than the roughly 30% to 42% that has been found for 5-asa alone. Also for steroid-dependent patients, one study found about
19% got remission in the 6 months after 2 weeks of antibiotics. Since these are people who did not et remission on 5-asa alone, and were dependent on pred, 19% is not a bad number.
Clearly it does not help everyone. Only about
half, and less than that for remission, and only when used in combination with the usual drugs. Some earlier work found it did not significantly help in severe cases.
It does look like some might be helped. I know my GI would write me these script
s. But recently I had amoxicillin for few days and began to bleed and cramp real bad. Maybe the triple combination would not cause me distress - or maybe (for me) it would be worse.
I an waiting for a photocopy of one of the more recent studies in the review. I want to see exactly what dosage was used before I go speak to my GI.