Posted 2/14/2014 4:50 AM (GMT 0)
Well this morning I met with my GI doctor who I hadn't seen since November when I got my flex sigmoidoscopy. Usually I just keep in really good contact with his nurse practitioner who is amazing. My GI doctor on the other hand seems to be over worked and only have time to see me about every six months. After seeing the nurse last week I was frustrated because I'm steroid dependent right now and have had no relief with Simponi. She gave me a list of options one of which was to go to UW medicine to get another opinion/see about possible clinical studies. So it just happened that they were able to squeeze me in today so I went from my normal GI appointment and then to UW.
So my GI was pushing for me to stay on Simponi for now (no idea why since I have never seen any improvement with it), stay on 75mg azathioprine, hold on 15mg prednisone, start rowasa enemas nightly, and start 1 apriso daily (which i thought i had an allergic reaction to two years ago, but he beieves it might not have been that and wants to try it again). All this while waiting for vedolizumab, since i told him i will not go on tysabri.
My second appointment went very well. The doctor took over a hour to talk to me and explain what he thinks is the best plan for me. His plan was to stop simponi, start rowasa enemas nightly, start cortifoam every morning, then slowly taper prednisone. If I continue to do fine then he wants me to cut out cortifoam, then move to every other night rowasa. He said the back up plan if this fails is vedolizumab and that he would not recommend tysabri because i tried it and it failed it would rule me out for clinical studies. He really seemed to look at it as more of a long term picture, rather than a quick fix. Said it was about doing what we could to get me the healthiest, but in a way that leaves me the most options which is why is put tysabri towards the bottom of the list along with surgery (because i want to have children soon).
I think I'm going to go with what my second opinion planned out and I'm just hoping that GI doesn't mind, but I would much rather try to get off some of these harder drugs if possible.