Simponi at first.... I did... really physically feel better. On remi. just felt bad... it worked for 3 months and started bleeding and urgency returned getting progressively worse for 15 months. Then tried simponi , it worked great first months and really felt better. Started in Dec 2013 but by April 2014 had some flares and still on prendisone 20mg per day. June was really bad had liqiud stools for 5 full days the week I took Simponi. Noticed that the last week before injection was bad into the 2nd week after the injection each month. On my follow up, my GI had a fit....that even with prendisone was flaring said he wanted me to have a better quality of life. He felt that I had built antibodies to both meds and suggested entyvio. Had colonoscopy done last week 7 polyps related to inflammation with no dysplasia, 8 months ago only 1 polyp. My GI does not know I have this report but got it directly from hospital.
I really physically felt better on the Simponi and can function just in the pot with many accidents....on Remi was not good always tired, run down and on the pot. I lost 74 lbs just before the Remi started in 4 months. I am big enough to handle the loss.... Simponi, I gained 30lb back and can function. CRP is climbing again since April and GI insists I come off the prednisone but under 10 mg start I start bleeding with a lot of bathroom trips. The week before my scope he called and upped my predisone to 15mg per day. It helped. Also tried azoth. with the remi...could not keep it down.
He said the next step is the entyvio, but he voiced concern over the possible build up of antibodies again. I meet with him next week before starting entyvio........I pray it works