Bez73 said...
I have been on a real roller-coaster ride of emotions and am feeling very flat at present not sure if it is the pred
Could be as pred is known to mess with one's emotions.
Bez73 said...
Is it normal for you body to adjust ie BM as you tapper the pred?
Yes, you can have withdrawal from pred as you taper which can make your uc symptoms worse (looser stools is one of those). However, your body should re-adjust a week or two after you've dropped your pred dosage. If it does not, then that's a red flag that either you are tapering off pred too fast, or you cannot maintain your current uc quality of life without pred (prednisone dependence which is bad). Dependence means your current uc medications are not strong enough to hold your quality of life where it needs to be, so you need more meds, stronger dosages of your current meds (if you haven't already reach the max), or both.
Bez73 said...
I asked about doing a foam enema maybe once a week but he said it was not worth it?? I have some at home.
You could try them, but your goal should be getting off steroids entirely. You do not want to use them as a maintenance-medication. Steroids loose effectiveness the more you use them. And steroids are dangerous to use longterm.
Bez73 said...
I do however have mesalamine suppositories but I was told that I can only use these once the asacol is reduced so that I do not go over the 4.8mg
I disagree. There's nothing wrong with being on 4.8grams a day of oral meslamine plus a 4g a day enema/suppository. Many people have done this, myself included. Much above that dosage is useless.
Bez73 said...
He has made an appointment for me to go back in 3months to see how things are and if symptoms have returned he was talking about maybe starting me on Azathioprine i'm not sure what to thinkof this..
Stronger uc meds might eventually be needed for you and they are nothing to be scared of. Whether you need them or not yet, I am not sure. I would do 4.8g a day of oral meslamine PLUS 4gs of meslamine enema before considering Aza. Aza has worked wonders for many.