Posted 1/17/2015 12:52 AM (GMT 0)
Imuran has extremely rare side effects; it isn't prednisone. It's helpful to put the risk into perspective. The most concerning side effect to most is lymphoma. The odds of getting lymphoma due to aza are 4 in 10,000 (Or 0.04%). The odds of the average healthy person on the street getting lymphoma are 2 in 10,000 (or 0.02%). Hardly something to worry about when your odds of dying in a car crash are 1 in 100, or death due to heart related troubles is 1 in 5.
Your blood work is monitored weekly when initially starting Imuran. They keep an eye on your liver fuction and look for proteins that indicate your liver might get damaged. The medication is stopped well before liver damage occurs. Imuran takes months to build up to therapeutic levels in the body and liver function panel is done weekly, so caught early in that very unlikely eventuality. Blood tests are moved to bi-weekly, monthly, and tri-monthly as you get good results. They also monitor your while blood cell count. Imuran lowers your white blood cell count but it cannot be too low. White blood cells are your immune systems attack dog, causing inflammation. The less white blood cells, the less inflammation within you large intestine, the better your uc symptoms are.
I have been on 6mp (similar medication to Imuran) 2 years and I have not had a single cold, infection, or side effect do to it.