Thanks guys and gals, sorry for the excessive puns i am so excited ! :D , it was a pain in the butt smuggling them
which included paying for 3x their price and bribes.
Judy2 said...
I suspect after the meningitis scare from contaminated medication made by a compounding pharmacy that the FDA is watching the pharmacies in the US closely. They may be very careful with what they do now. I suspect to be legal they'd have to have an order from your doctor, and good luck getting that from most GI's.
The sunny side is, i live in Egypt i can get anything without a prescript
ion (except narcotic drugs, or things like calmepam that is addictive if overused), same goes with compounding, the compounding lab only needs a recipe or a sample of the required med and they analyze it and make it.
the lab that compounded it is one of the largest in here and they have a very good reputation and track record, i have actually recorded the recipe with them, if anyone calls and asks for the med with code 33287 they will get the same med :) for L.E 39 / $5.3 per enema [ 4gm pentasa in 100ml]
quincy said...
Cool you can get them compounded where you are...maybe you could ask for the 60ml liquid instead of the 100ml if retention is an issue at all.
Did your doc write a prescription for the sachets for the compounding?
What is the oral Pentasa you're on...the sachets as well?
Sure i can ask them to do anything, i never had an issue with retention i like to think of myself as Mr.Miyagi in terms of butt meds :D , i opted for the 100ml like the asacol ones for bigger area coverage since i have pancolitis, i also think i'll write a huge "how to" for techniques on retaining enemas and getting the best results with them.
My doctor didn't want anything to do with compounding, i took full responsibility also my brother is a pharmacist, and i didn't need prescript
I am taking 8 Pentasa 500mg pills a day, divided in two dosages 4 by morning and 4 by night, i asked them to use the 1gm pentasa sachets instead of the pills to avoid as much fillers as possible.
The recipe is simply :
- 100ml of Distilled water ( or 60ml like the perrigo/rowasa enema )
- 4 sachets of 1gm pentasa pills crushed/pulverized completely ( pentasa sachets have lesser fillers i think than the pills)
- Xanthan gum or Tragacanth gum powder, just enough to disperse and suspend the solution completely (something like 1/2gm)
Important notes: needs to be compounded and mixed Quickly to avoid as much exposure to light as possible and also in a controlled temp below 25/77 ºC / ºF and afterwards kept in an opaque container.