garylouisville said...
I don't drink sodas on a regular basis but they give me no problems at all when I do drink them. You've got to remember that those who live in free countries don't need the food police telling us what we can drink or not drink. Same with foods. We live in a time when Marijuana is getting legalized more and more so I don't see soft drinks and twinkies being outlawed any time soon. I do believe in proper labeling though so that anyone who wants to can tell what is in their food and what isn't. If people as a whole quit buying these products then companies will quit making them but to expect them to just go away entirely ain't gonna happen.
Cannabis has documented medicinal benefits and is safer than soda or twinkies. If they ran double blinded controlled studies on MJ, there's no doubt it would be an effective UC treatment.
Going back to sodas - there is zero long term evidence of safety for additives like high fructose corn syrup or phosphoric acid. Those ingredients are linked to serious health harms. I think the onus is not just on consumers, but also the corporations to get that trash out so people can actually enjoy additive free soda.
I don't have a problem with drinking soda. I have a major problem with corporations cutting corners and putting trashy ingredients that increase chronic disease risk.