OMG! This pain is unbearable.
What are these caused from? Gas? So, the way it works for me, sitting there and I get a little gas pass through, okay no biggie then all of a sudden, my insides start to tighten up a lot and doesn't stop. Then you get VERY tender feeling hoping it subsides. This is truly awful.
Wonder if this is part of just having UC, on my way to healing, Lialda or Iron pills?
I figure there is NO way to stop it and really doesn't seem to be any way to help with the feeling afterward. I can't be the only one out there getting these. No, not every day but now in the past two months I could say I have gotten about
5 good ones. That one I just had could have been the one that hurt the most.
Your input please. Oh, and I am looking into the Low Residue Diet and will start eating more of those foods. I do not eat enough to even make a poo. LOL All I eat is soft foods and scared to add anything to my routine. I am ready to try this now.
Well, hope you are having a great Tuesday.
Lialda 4/day - Iron Pills 2/day