NiceCupOfTea said...
If after 3 weeks of Salofalk suppositories, things are no better, you need to either go back to the enemas or try something else - in fact most people take a mix of oral and rectal meds, but you seem to have a very cautious doc. Perhaps too cautious - it's not like mesalazine is a risky med. If he won't discuss medication matters with you, consider seeking a new doctor. It might seem a bit excessive, but you don't want to have a doctor who lays down the law and doesn't respect your wishes.
Incidentally, there is such a thing as mesalazine intolerance, which worsens UC symptoms, but if the enemas worked for you, then I don't think it can be that. Actually I missed something very obvious: the enemas simply have more mesalazine in them than the suppositories do: 2g as opposed to 500mg. They're stronger, that's probably why they work and the supps don't.
In fact the enema which I used was before the diagnosis. After colonoscopy the GP(therapist) told me if your diagnosis shows that you have colitis you can use this enema but I started to use enema before biopsy's result till one week myself and it was very good, after my first using the bleeding was finished and I didn't have any problem more, when I went to check result of biopsy the specialist Dr. according to result of my colonoscopy decided to give me supp. for 3 weeks.
I read somewhere that Salofalk supp's irritation caused by Aminosalicylate which is in Salofalk supp. but I dont have any idea why Salofalk supp. makes this irritation but the enema which is stronger and bigger than supp. dosn't make any irritation for me.
I just can't understand difference between them.