BeeSting was a prolific poster on the Crohn's forum who provided a lot of good information about
LDN. Unfortunately she quit the forum over three years ago but some of her posts are still around:
BeeSting said...
LDN could even be a first choice and not a last resort, IMHO. I started using it in 2007, and have been on it all the time. With GREAT improvements. It worked from day one for me, the first day after my first pill on 3.0 mg I had no pain and no bloating. Diarrhea went away during the first 3 weeks. Had always a low grade fever prior to LDN, it went away immediately.
Have to add that LDN doesn't work at once for everyone. It depends on what phase the disease is in, if you're in the middle of a flare, you could use prednisone to get better, and when on 10 mg pred, you could add LDN. Stay on 10 mg for a longer time if neccessary. Start with 3.0 mg, and increase the LDN dose to 4.5 mg. Many with Crohns finds that it takes up to 3 -6 months before all symptoms are better, but expect that you'll gradually get improvements.
My disease is considered severe, I used to have obstructions twice a month, now I have one a year. My obstructions were terrible, vomited for 10 - 12 hours, cramps and severe pain. Happy I don't have to deal with that. I am glad that I am pain free, that I can work full time, that my medicine is at such a low cost that I can afford to live.
Did you need to alter your diet in order for it to work, and if so, how?
No, LDN worked even without changing my diet. But I prefere to avoid gluten, because I am convinced that gluten is one of the bad guys for all with auto immune diseases.
Did you take it with other therapies?
Have used prednisone during small flares / or not exactly flares, but after having an obstruction. Have always used it as a crash treatment, within a short time frame.
Did you fail most other meds?
Haven't tried other medicines that prednisone for 3 months only. Got my diagnose in 2007, had pred for three mos then LDN as the only treatment. I am really happy with LDN and am alw
ays informing people to give it a try. As a First make no harm.
Go to fb and the group Got Endorphins to learn what 800 other users are saying.
Go to youtube and search LDN, look what this English TV celebr. doc says: