Hi All,
This is my first post on this forum. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2011, symptoms started when I was 17 I am now 23. Since age 20 I was in remission for 3 years due to picking up smoking as my nurse at the hospital jokingly recommended it, this got me into remission for 3 years! Smoking no longer gets me or keeps me in remission (currently flaring for the first time in 3 years).
I have been on Mezavant maximum dose the whole duration since being diagnosed (also during the smoking induced 3-year remission), Salofalk enemas and pentasa suppositories used to help but also stopped working prior to taking up smoking. I have recently been doing Colloidal silver enemas, Vitamin E enemas adding slippery elm bark to both with no avail to rid of inflammation.
I have recently received LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) and am currently on 2.0mg working up to 4.5mg to see what happens. The day after I took my first dose (1.0mg) dose of LDN my urgency went about
50% reducing BM from 6-8 times a day to around 3-4 a day (it is still like this today and am hoping for remission once I get to 4.5mg).
I will also be doing a Black Walnut Hull, Clove and wormwood enema soon once I get all the ingredients to see what will happen. I have also ordered DMSO to see if that will help. I was wondering if anyone knows of any other alternative treatments as I do not want to use any immuno suppressants.
Also I wanted to know what you guys think UC or IBD is, I personally think it is caused by bacteria or a pathogen hence the reason why enemas use to help but no longer do. To add to this, when I was 15-17 I took a 2 year course of tetracycline against my severe acne without probiotics (I should sue my GP who didn’t advise me of any damage a long term use of anti-biotics could do – The leaflet which came with Tetracycline says UC may be a rare side effect) prior to that I also had tapeworm which was also cleared by antibiotics. Due to this long term anti biotic use I think I have a damaged gut flora and also some sort of bad bacteria and my immune system cannot fight these. I may also add that I can eat any food (high carb, sugar, gluten, spicy) except for spinach as it doesn’t digest and comes out as it came in haha. In regards to alcohol, while smoking was keeping me in remission I was able to binge drink about
every weekend (1 bottle of wine half a dozen glasses of spirits with mixers etc.) with no changes in stool or any signs of UC. I now do not drink as I know alcohol will definitely be friendly to my colon at my current state.
This disease makes no sense to me as smoking kept me in remission for so long. I need some sort of alternate therapy. I refuse to take immuno suppressants or steroids as I have taken steroids once (we all know they do even more damage with long term use) when I was diagnosed and these did not work for me unless being on a high dose >40mg.
Best health and regards to All