Posted 11/12/2016 11:41 AM (GMT 0)
Would just like to run this past you.
How do you know if you have hemmies or its your uc.
I have never got my flare under control for the last year. Been on steroids constantly at various dose levels. When I reduce my symptoms come back. I know I have to get off the steroids but I have other health issues that put the risks of azathioprine a little higher than normal. I am however thinking that now I have to take these risks. I have neutropenia but have been told that I can have gcsf injections to stimulate my production of white blood cells. I have also had a malignant melanoma so am concerned about skin cancer.
I am currently going 2-3 times when first waking up. It is not urgent as in I am not rushing to the toilet. Usually very soft like whippy icecream. I can see no blood on the first two but maybe on the last. Today I have been 3 times again and they were more formed. No blood on first two but blood at the end of the last. How do you know if it is uc or hemmies. Some days this week I have seen no blood and some only the minutest trace (I catch it on the paper to have a look. It is bright red. I won't go to the toilet again until either the next morning or once in the early evening.
I am really frustrated and maybe over thinking but am so fed up of this at the moment. I have an appointment with my GI in January and It can't come soon enough. The ibd nurse mentioned surgery but I don't think I want that at the moment as I only have inflammation in the sigmoid and rectum. I am using enemas and suppositories in the hope I don't get any worse before Christmas and January. I have had fissures and hemmies in the past. I tried to have a look today and can see purple veins (nothing protruding)
When I was last in remission I was still going at least twice when I woke up with no urgency or blood. This is whats got me wondering if it is piles or because I am shoving enemas and supps up there all the time. I have no other symptoms. Why blood on the last and not all. No feeling of got to go, Got to go now.
I would really appreciate anybodies thoughts on this.
I am also going to be really naughty and reduce my steroids slower than what I have been told. So I will reduce by 2.5mg every week instead of 5mg every week in the hope that I can stay reasonably well until I see the GI.
Thanks for your replies, I really do appreciate them.