Posted Today 2:49 PM (GMT 0)
Hi haven't been on here for a while… I've been doing fairly well on Remicade. I started it in October 2013 and responded fairly quickly to it. Other than having a bit of a rash my third month into it and dry skin, things of been pretty good. I know when time is coming close for my next infusion as my joints start to get really achy and my IBS seems to flare up. Just had my blood work and my infusion last week, and my blood work came back with a few anomalies. My creatinine level was high and my Glomerular filtration rate is quite low. This is indicative of some type of kidney issue. My G.I. suggest it could be that I'm dehydrated as when I have IBS I am losing too much fluid, and is sending me for an ultrasound of my kidneys. I saw my family doctor yesterday and he said it could be the Remicade as there are indicators that it can cause renal failure. There's also the possibility I have arterial stenosis which my mother did have, and that would involve possibly putting in a stent in my kidney, or it could be some type of infection. We have ruled out a UTI. My G.I. had me do a urinalysis (negative) and A fecal calprotectin, and ova and parasite test....results are pending on those two. Kinda freaking out here, as if I have to go off the Remicade, it means starting back at square one...failed 5ASA and Imuran. Has anyone out there experienced kidney issues while receiving Remicade?